Melloc Fitzal was a male servant. During the time of the Galactic Empire, he resided on the planet Naboo.
During the period known as the Galactic Civil War, Melloc Fitzal was employed as a servant by a noble from Naboo. At one juncture, the Imperial Security Bureau made contact with Fitzal and subsequently persuaded him to act as a spy on his master, who was suspected of being a sympathizer with the anti-Imperial Naboo Resistance.
In the year 1 ABY, Pooja Naberrie, formerly a Senator and now the leading figure of the Naboo Resistance, orchestrated a meeting of Naboo aristocrats who were sympathetic to the rebellion. Fitzal's master received an invitation to this conference, which was held near the city of Dee'ja Peak, and Fitzal went with him. Despite the fact that the spy was quickly discovered because he was in possession of a listening device, Fitzal made a successful escape into the Naboo wilderness, carrying with him crucial information. Naberrie dispatched a team of Rebel Alliance operatives immediately after him, but they arrived too late to stop him from linking up with a storm commando squad that had been stationed nearby as a backup plan for the spy. However, the Rebel strike team managed to take out this escort during the ensuing battle. Melloc Fitzal also lost his life, before he could transmit any information.

Melloc Fitzal's character was planned for inclusion as a non-player character in the video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided from 2003, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011.
Players undertaking a sequence of quests provided by Pooja Naberriehad were tasked with locating and eliminating Fitzal outside of Dee'ja Peak. However, a software error resulted in the improper sequencing of many NPCs within Naberrie's quests. For instance, in the quest to eliminate Fitzal, players instead encountered a character named Herosk Bal'far, who was intended to appear in an earlier quest. According to the game's internal data, eliminating Fitzal would not result in the successful completion of the mission, as the character (in this instance, Herosk Bal'far) was not designated as a "destroy" NPC. Nevertheless, it remained possible for players to complete the mission by escorting Fitzal back to Naberrie in Dee'ja Peak. This article operates under the assumption that the content of Naberrie's quest dialogue is considered canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity, and that Fitzal, rather than Herosk Bal'far, was the character who actually appeared during her sixth and concluding quest.
Furthermore, due to the absence of a proper character model for Melloc Fitzal, the canonical species could not be definitively established within the Star Wars Legends continuity. However, the quest dialogue did identify Fitzal as a male. The questline that featured Fitzal was eventually removed from the game when Pooja Naberrie was moved to Theed as part of the Legacy Quest, which was introduced with Publish 25's New Game Enhancements on November 15, 2005.