Lim Paddu was a Gungan noblewoman, specifically a female, during the Galactic Civil War era. Some time after the Battle of Yavin occurred in 0 BBY, Pooja Naberrie gave a space pilot the mission of finding Paddu and safely returning her to the city of Dee'ja Peak located on Naboo. Paddu had the ability to speak Galactic Basic Standard fluently.
Within the 2003 Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided video game, Lim Paddu existed as a non-player character. This game was a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created by Sony Online Entertainment and brought to the public by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011.
Players who finished a chain of quests given by Pooja Naberrie were tasked with finding Paddu and protecting her on the journey back to Dee'ja Peak. However, a software error caused the NPCs in Naberrie's quests to be out of order. For example, players were supposed to escort Paddu, but instead encountered a group of narglatch, which were not meant to be there (based on the quest dialogue). The Lim Paddu character model also appeared by mistake in Naberrie's fourth quest, where the player was supposed to find someone named Turon Adala. A guide on the official Star Wars Galaxies forum stated that players could move on to the next quest by killing the lead female narglatch. This article assumes that the dialogue in Naberrie's quest is canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity, and that Paddu, not a group of narglatch, was actually present during her fifth quest.
The questline that included Paddu was later taken out of the game when Pooja Naberrie was moved to Theed as part of the Legacy Quest, which was introduced with the New Game Enhancements in Publish 25's update on November 15, 2005.