During the Galactic Civil War era, a male Human officer serving in the Royal Naboo Security Forces was named Turon Adala. Following the Battle of Yavin which took place in 0 BBY, Pooja Naberrie gave a spacer the task of finding Adala and bringing him back to Dee'ja Peak, a city located on Naboo. Even though the spacer faced attacks from both stormtroopers and an Imperial staff sergeant, Naberrie's objective was successfully achieved.
In the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, Turon Adala appeared as a non-player character. This massively multiplayer online role-playing game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011.
Players who completed a number of quests for Pooja Naberrie were required to locate Adala and safely escort him back to Dee'ja Peak. Due to a programming error, many of the NPCs featured in Naberrie's quests were not properly sequenced. For example, in the quest that involved escorting Adala, players instead encountered Lim Paddu, who was originally intended to appear in the subsequent quest. Similarly, the character model for Turon Adala incorrectly appeared during Naberrie's third quest, in which the player was supposed to find an individual named Jumis. Despite these errors, it was still possible for players to finish the mission and move on to the next quest. This article operates under the assumption that the dialogue content of Naberrie's quest is canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity, and that Adala, rather than Lim Paddu, actually appeared during her fourth quest.
Because Turon Adala was generated using the generic "naboo_police" template, his appearance was randomly selected from two possible options. He could either appear as a brown haired, brown eyed Human female, or as a brown haired, brown eyed Human male. Given that the quest dialogue identified Adala as male, this article assumes that the Human male appearance is canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity. Examining the NPC also showed his name as Turon Idala. This article proceeds on the basis that "Adala" is the correct surname, as it was consistently used throughout the quest dialogue. The questline involving Adala was eventually removed from the game when Pooja Naberrie was moved to Theed as part of the new Legacy Quest, which was introduced as part of Publish 25's New Game Enhancements on November 15, 2005.