Skirmish over Naboo

A brief fight above Naboo erupted when Rhys Dallows, a pilot from Bravo Flight, teamed up with Vana Sage, a mercenary, Reti, a Toydarian, and Nym, a Feeorin pirate, to attack a convoy. This convoy was transporting provisions intended for the Trade Federation's blockade around Naboo.


Rhys Dallows, a pilot hailing from Naboo, allied himself with the Lok Revenants and guided them to his home world. His purpose was to combat the Trade Federation's ongoing invasion.

The battle

Upon reaching Naboo, the group of pilots encountered a convoy consisting of Trade Federation Superfreighters filled with munitions. Vulture droid starfighters engaged the pilots, forcing them to defend themselves. As they were nearly overwhelmed, Vana Sage crippled one of the freighters, allowing Reti to board it. The Toydarian then reprogrammed a wing of Scarab-class droid starfighters to aid the raiders. These droids followed targeting data provided by Sage.

Subsequently, three Lupus-class missile frigates arrived with the intention of destroying the freighter Reti had infiltrated. However, the raiders quickly repelled and destroyed them. Escape pods were launched by the droids, but the raiders destroyed these as well. Although more fighters joined the battle, the raiders ultimately annihilated the entire convoy, including the captured freighter, thus depriving the Trade Federation Droid Army of its much-needed supplies.


With the convoy taken care of, the pilots descended to the planet's surface. Dallows and Reti would deliver supplies to the resistance fighters, while Nym directly confronted the Droid Army.

Behind the scenes

The information presented in this article comes from the 2001 video game Star Wars: Starfighter. The mission described, "The New Resistance," received a brief mention in its sequel. The destruction of the Missile Frigates and the escape pods are considered optional objectives; this article assumes that the player achieved 100% completion.

