The Trade Federation Superfreighter, also known as the TF Superfreighter, functioned as an armed freighter utilized by the Trade Federation around the time that the Invasion of Naboo occurred. This particular model represented an enhanced iteration of the Trade Federation Freighter that was also operational during that period. This class of vessel remained in service leading up to the Clone Wars.
Sporting a white hull and an elongated design, the Trade Federation Superfreighter was equipped with robust deflector shields along with a strengthened hull. Its armament included two laser cannon turrets, and it typically received escort from Scarab starfighters.
Nym, the pirate captain, encountered several Superfreighters while executing attacks against Trade Federation forces within the Karthakk system before the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY. His pirate group disabled a Superfreighter above Lok, subsequently plundering its contents following the vessel's forced landing on the planet's surface.

Subsequently, Vana Sage spearheaded an assault targeting a freighter convoy above Naboo, during which Reti managed to infiltrate a Superfreighter. Reti then reprogrammed its squadron of Scarab fighters, directing them to assist Sage's pilots. This action proved instrumental in breaching the blockade, enabling Vana and her team to proceed with their ground-based mission.
The Federation continued to employ Superfreighters within its trading fleet, even during the Clone Wars. Several Superfreighters played a role in the Trihexalon production project on Nod Kartha, overseen by the mercenary group Sabaoth Squadron.
The initial appearance of Superfreighters occurred in the 2001 video game titled Star Wars: Starfighter.