Trade Federation Freighter

The Trade Federation Freighter was a compact freighter utilized by the Trade Federation. Both it, and its more advanced version, the Trade Federation Superfreighter, were frequently seen around the time that the Invasion of Naboo took place.


Despite lacking armaments, this freighter type was outfitted with deflector shields. Additionally, these freighters possessed the capability to release their cargo while in flight, and some were known to operate entirely autonomously. They also had the ability to connect with the larger Trade Federation Superfreighter.


Captain Nym, a pirate, attacked a group of these freighters in 32 BBY above Lok. On one occasion, two Trade Federation Freighters transporting war supplies from Eos were caught in an attack led by Rhys Dallows and Reti. The freighters responded by deploying mines, but they were ultimately destroyed. Later on, freighters of this design were part of another group that was destroyed over Naboo by Nym and his allies.

By 22 BBY, these freighters remained a common sight within the Karthakk system. A substantial number of Trade Federation Freighters were observed departing Mount Merakan, carrying materials essential for the Trade Federation's production of Trihexalon. Nym and his pirate companion Jinkins launched an assault on the last of the freighters leaving the mountain. Shortly thereafter, three freighters were spotted at the Battle of Nod Kartha as they attempted to reach the planet, but they were eliminated by Adi Gallia.

Behind the scenes

Trade Federation Freighters make appearances in the video game Star Wars: Starfighter (2001) and its 2002 follow-up, Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter.

