Unidentified Trade Federation Superfreighter (Naboo)

A Superfreighter from the Trade Federation, loaded with munitions and accompanied by six Scarab-class droid starfighters, sailed as part of a nine-vessel Trade Federation convoy following the beginning of the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY. This freighter was situated at the convoy's rear and was connected to another Trade Federation Freighter when resistance fighters arrived and launched an assault on the convoy. Vana Sage crippled the freighter under the direction of Reti, who then boarded it to pilfer munitions. Subsequently, the Toydarian pilot opted to reprogram the Scarab complement to aid the raiders. Once the loading was complete, Reti left, and the freighter ultimately fell victim to the raiders' attack.

Behind the scenes

The video game Star Wars: Starfighter, released in 2001, features the Trade Federation Superfreighter. As Sage, the player is tasked with attacking and disabling one of the convoy's nine Superfreighters. The strategy guide recommends targeting a specific freighter; this article adheres to that recommendation and presumes the player targets that particular vessel.

