The Trade Federation Dropship functioned as a dropship for the Trade Federation in the later years of the Galactic Republic.
This Trade Federation Dropship possessed a lengthy structure, approximating the size of a Trade Federation Superfreighter. Though equipped with deflector shields, the Dropship lacked offensive weaponry.
The Trade Federation employed Dropships to transport its forces onto battle zones. They were deployed either alone, in groups, or in conjunction with the larger C-9979 landing craft. These Dropships had the capability to deploy tanks, infantry, or a mixture of both. A common strategy against these Dropships involved destroying them before they could unload their cargo.
In 32 BBY, Trade Federation Dropships journeyed to Lok to secure the recovery of pirated goods, and subsequently participated in the assault on the pirates' base. Throughout the same year, the Trade Federation made frequent use of these vessels during their occupation of the planet Naboo, against those resisting the occupation. Several Dropships were present aboard the Droid Control Ship Vuutun Palaa when it met its end during the Naboo Space Battle.
A decade later, in 22 BBY, a significant number of Dropships were dispatched to safeguard a trihexalon manufacturing facility during the Battle of Nod Kartha. Shortly thereafter, while three Dropships were replenishing their supplies on Lok, the pirate Nym arrived to reclaim his base.
The design of the dropship bears a strong resemblance to an early concept drawing of what would eventually become the C-9979, as seen in The Art of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, depicting it deploying initial concept versions of the Multi-Troop Transport.