A male soldier of fortune, employed by the Trade Federation, held a leadership position during the Naboo Invasion in 32 BBY. This male flew a customized vehicle and engaged Bravo Flight when the Trade Federation tried to abduct the Queen of Naboo, and caused the demise of Essara Till. Furthermore, he rendered Rhys Dallows' N-1 starfighter inoperable. Dallows was later saved, and encountered the mercenary leader once more during the invasion's concluding engagement. Inside the Trade Federation's Droid Control Ship, Dallows chased the mercenary, battling him until the mercenary met his end.

In 32 BBY, the Trade Federation enlisted a male mercenary leader. His initial involvement was during the Invasion of Naboo, when the Trade Federation set a trap for the Queen of the planet Naboo. As the Queen was escorted by Essara Till and Rhys Dallows, a group of mercenary ships fought elements of Bravo Flight. Piloting N-1 starfighters, the two Naboo pilots eliminated all their attackers. After the Queen escaped into hyperspace, the mercenary leader used missiles from his ship to destroy Till's starfighter, resulting in her death. He then targeted Dallows, disabling his starfighter. Later, Reti, a Toydarian scavenger, rescued Dallows, and they both joined the Naboo Resistance.
During the Naboo conflict's final battle, Dallows and the mercenary leader clashed again. Naboo pilots from Bravo Flight were attacking the Trade Federation's Droid Control Ship to deactivate the Trade Federation Droid Army. After the N-1 starfighters destroyed the first wave of droid starfighters and the Control Ship's Receiver Stations, the mercenary leader entered the fight and shot down a Naboo pilot. Dallows gave chase to the mercenary and successfully damaged his ship, but not before the mercenary launched missiles in return. Dallows survived the explosions, but while the hangar bay shields were down when the Control Ship launched a C-9979 landing craft, the mercenary went into the right-hand hangar. Dallows pursued him inside and they dueled inside the hangar. After their duel, the mercenary was forced to retreat deeper into the Control Ship. Dallows continued his pursuit, and the mercenary flew through the power grid and into the innermost hangar. There, Dallows confronted him again. During their duel, the mercenary complimented Dallows' skill, expressing regret about killing the talented Naboo pilot. In the end, Dallows proved to be the better pilot, and the mercenary died when his ship exploded.
The targeting computer identifies this character as Mercenary Leader, and he appears in the 2001 LucasArts video game Star Wars: Starfighter. Tom Kane may have provided the voice for this character.
The mercenary leader's ship model features the logo of the Lok Revenants, a pirate group that also debuts in Star Wars: Starfighter. However, no other connections are established between the organization and the mercenary leader.