A leader of mercenaries piloted a very special starship during 32 BBY.
The starship belonging to the mercenary commander included deflector shields, communication equipment, and a hyperdrive. The starfighter's weapons included missiles.
In 32 BBY, the Trade Federation employed the mercenary commander and his starship to abduct Queen Padmé Amidala of the planet Naboo. Her protectors, flying N-1 starfighters, destroyed the other mercenary starfighters at the location, allowing Amidala to escape. The mercenary leader then arrived, shooting down one of the pilots and damaging the starfighter flown by Rhys Dallows.
Later, the mercenary leader showed up in his starship during the final battle of the Invasion of Naboo. He fired the starship's missiles and killed another Naboo pilot. The other members of Bravo Flight then engaged the mercenary. The leader fired missiles at Dallows. Dallows survived the explosions, however, while the Vuutun Palaa's hangar bay shields were deactivated when the Control Ship launched a C-9979 landing craft, the mercenary quickly flew into the port hangar. Dallows pursued him inside, and they engaged in combat inside the hangar. Following their duel, the mercenary was compelled to retreat further into the Control Ship. Dallows continued his pursuit, and the mercenary flew through the power grid and into the innermost hangar. Dallows confronted him again there. As they fought, the mercenary praised Dallows' skill, expressing regret for killing the skilled Naboo pilot. In the end, Dallows proved to be the better pilot, and the mercenary perished when his starship exploded.
The mercenary leader's starship appears in the 2001 Star Wars: Starfighter video game. Its model was reused for the Duergo in Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter.