Dagger-class starfighter

The Dagger-class starfighter represents a fighter design originating from Republic Sienar Systems. This craft saw mass production near the time of the Battle of Naboo and was conceived during the final century of the Galactic Republic.


A head-on view of a Dagger.

This Dagger starfighter was built with a distinctive triple-wing configuration. These wings displayed a sharp, knife-like form. During flight operations, the entire vehicle rotated around the cockpit section. Armament for the Dagger included three laser cannons, positioned on the hull adjacent to the wing attachment points.

This fighter was noted for its small size, high speed, excellent maneuverability, and potent weapons systems, as well as its relative affordability and ease of acquisition. However, it lacked both a life support system and inertial dampeners. This significantly amplified the risk of pilots experiencing the effects of extreme G-Forces during rapid acceleration or sharp turns. Consequently, a pilot's survival in combat depended heavily on their personal skill and the quality of their flight suit.


Leading up to the Clone Wars, thousands of these fighters were manufactured. Planetary defense forces accounted for the majority of purchases, while a considerable number appeared to end up in the hands of mercenary groups. Daggers were also involved in an attack targeting a Naboo freighter convoy in orbit above Naboo. In 32 BBY, Rhys Dallows and Vana Sage were compelled to contend with these fighters while striving to defend Naboo. The Trade Federation had enlisted a mercenary organization for tasks such as an attempted kidnapping of Queen Amidala. During the kidnapping attempt, the initial three waves of the mercenary assault force consisted of Daggers.

As the Clone Wars began, Daggers in significant numbers were also observed within the planetary fleets of Separatist worlds. Production of the Dagger ceased following the rise of the Galactic Empire and Palpatine's dissolution of Republic Sienar. Sienar Fleet Systems, the company that succeeded it, drew inspiration from several aspects of the Dagger in their early TIE Series designs. Later on, the design served as the foundation for both the V38 assault fighter and the TIE/ph phantom.

Behind the scenes

Game concept art.

The Dagger Starfighters made their debut appearance in Star Wars: Starfighter, a video game released in 2001. Daggers were also featured in the 2002 sequel to the game, Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter. Within this sequel, their presence is limited to the bonus missions.

