V38 assault fighter

The V38 assault fighter, a starfighter, provided the foundational design for the TIE/ph phantom.


The modified V38 assault fighter, known as the TIE Phantom.

In terms of design, it stood out from other TIE Series starfighters because its quadanium steel solar panel wings were connected directly to the main body, rather than through pylons. Unlike other TIE models, the hull and cockpit were not spherical, bearing a resemblance to the Scimitar assault bomber.

Visually, the V38 seemed to incorporate the wing structure of the TIE/IN interceptor, and its three-winged configuration brought to mind both the TIE/D Defender and the Dagger-class starfighter.


During the Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Empire developed the V38 on the world of Imdaar. Admiral Gial Ackbar recognized this starfighter after seeing operational footage of the TIE Phantoms.

