In 33 BBY, a battle occurred near the Station TFP-9 within the Naboo system. Pirate forces mounted an assault on the station, which forced the Naboo's Royal Fighter Corps to step in. Unbeknownst to them, the attack was a ruse designed to steal their starfighters.
Agamar's Governor Challep sought methods to strengthen his planet's defenses around 33 BBY, focusing specifically on his starfighter capabilities. As a result, he acquired fighter and weapon technologies, including Droid starfighters from Xi Char. He then turned his attention to Naboo's N-1 Starfighters, attempting to buy them and N-X Police Cruisers on at least three occasions. However, Queen Amidala's Advisory Council rejected all of his offers.
He insisted on studying the starfighters' potential and contacted Dren Melne, a Naboo-born mercenary and experienced pilot who harbored deep resentment towards his home due to his family. Eventually, a "demonstration" was planned, with Station TFP-9 as the target.
A squadron of Z-95 Headhunters and a Hornet-class carrier attacked the station. The station's defenses were undergoing upgrades at the time. Two YT-1250 freighters were present during the assault, but they were unable to defend the station on their own. One was disabled, and the other disappeared, presumably destroyed, while the station's shields were under intense strain.
Naboo dispatched two N-1 fighters from Bravo Flight, with Dren Melne as Bravo Eight and Essara Till, his lover and wingman, as Bravo Seven. Additionally, 12 N-X Police Cruisers under Echo Flight, with Rhys Dallows as Echo Five, were sent. After Till demanded a ceasefire from the Z-95s, the fighters responded by engaging both flight groups. Till managed to shoot down one fighter, while Echo Flight handled the rest with minimal damage. Till then assigned Echo One and Two to join her in an attack run on the carrier. At that moment, another squadron of Z-95 Headhunters, equipped with Concussion missiles, and a second carrier under the command of Captain Sorran of the Velumina arrived, demanding that the Naboo fighters power down and surrender their fighters. During this, the first carrier launched Droid starfighters.
At this point in the battle, Dren Melne revealed his allegiance to Sorran's employer. Melne broke formation and attacked both Echo One and Two. He successfully shot down Two, causing it to collide with Echo One and destroy the pilot's Astromech droid. Dren continued his pursuit, toying with Echo One in an attempt to force Essara Till to surrender. Till pursued Dren, attempting to lock onto him with her proton torpedoes, but was attacked by three Droid fighters, which damaged her systems, while the rest engaged Echo Flight. Till persevered and destroyed one of her droid pursuers. Regaining her composure, she found Dren engaging Echo Flight and disabling both Echo Eight and Seven, while Echo's Four, Nine, Eleven and Twelve were destroyed by the Droid Fighters.
Realizing the battle was lost, she ordered her forces to surrender. However, instead of complying, she headed straight for the first carrier. Despite being pursued by droid fighters and the capital ship's firepower, she managed to deplete the carrier's shields with her torpedoes, even though her own shields were also drained by laser fire. Rhys Dallows soon joined her, shooting down a droid fighter and declaring that he could not obey the surrender order. The two fighters combined their efforts, and after Till destroyed the shield generator, they launched a coordinated missile attack that destroyed the first carrier. They then turned their attention to Dren Melne, who was engaging Echo Six, and Dren destroyed Echo Six, killing the pilot.
As Melne and the remaining Z-95s retreated toward the second carrier, with Rhys and Essara in pursuit, Till launched her last pair of torpedoes at Dren Melne. Captain Sorran then informed Melne that the operation was deemed a failure and launched multiple missiles: one at Rhys, one at Till, and the rest at Dren, who had just intercepted Till's torpedoes. Dren protested the change in the deal and offered his own fighter, but Sorran argued that his pursuers could still disable his fighter and that even if he jumped to lightspeed, his fighter could still be tracked. Till managed to shoot down four of the missiles before one struck her ship and crippled it, while at least eight missiles struck Dren's ship, destroying it and killing Dren.
Although Naboo achieved victory, the battle took a heavy toll on the Royal Space Fighter Corps, with only five of Echo Flight's twelve pilots surviving. A memorial and a planet-wide day of remembrance were planned.
Within five days, Senator Sio Bibble debriefed Till and Rhys with Ric Olié about their investigations. Governor Challep denied his people's involvement in the incident, but an investigation revealing his recent purchases, as well as his attempted purchases of N-1 starfighters and police cruisers, suggested otherwise. Investigations into Dren revealed that he received one hundred thousand credits on Ord Mantell, which were transferred to Selton, but the origins could not be traced. After an inquiry to Dren's family was met with hostility, they concluded that they had reached a dead end. Till believed that Dren's family was the primary reason for his betrayal, as she was welcomed back with open arms after her return, while Dren was exiled for his career as a mercenary.