Ruby Nebula

The Ruby Nebula, a nebula situated within the Karthakk system, derived its moniker from the ruby-red hue it imparted to the surrounding space. This coloration was a consequence of the nebula's trio of suns. The high stellar density within the nebula was notorious for interfering with starship sensor systems. This interference facilitated the concealment of various vessels, ranging from covert spy ships and nimble starfighters to larger craft like landing vehicles and patrol interceptors, amidst the nebula's freely drifting asteroids.

During her endeavor to arrange a rendezvous with the pirate captain, Jedi Master Adi Gallia encountered Nym's contact, Reti, inside the Ruby Nebula. Droid starfighters, deployed from a Trade Federation landing craft, tracked Reti to this location. Gallia and Reti successfully eliminated the fighters, the landing craft, and a Sabaoth Squadron spy ship, before proceeding towards Maramere.

