The Trade Federation Cruiser was a wedge-shaped capital ship employed by the Trade Federation Droid Army around the era of the Clone Wars. While equipped with multiple laser cannons, its main offensive capability was the use of cruise missiles. A specific cruiser of this type met its destruction at the hands of the Lok Revenants in 22 BBY.
This type of cruiser had a wedge-like form, featuring gray hull plating and a raised section running along the rear of the ship. Its primary armament consisted of arrays of cruise missiles, complemented by numerous laser cannons distributed across its hull.
Back in 22 BBY, a vessel of this type was deployed by the Trade Federation to engage the Lok Revenants, who were fighting for control within the Karthakk system. These pirates were in the process of besieging a facility located on the Khons moon orbiting the planet Lok. The cruiser exited hyperspace and started launching a barrage of cruise missiles at the pirate forces. The pirates were in the middle of constructing an Orbital Defense Cannon intended for use against targets on the surface. Despite a malfunction within the cannon's targeting mechanisms, the pirates successfully managed to eliminate the cruiser prior to it destroying their cannon.
This particular cruiser made its initial appearance in the 2002 video game titled Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter.
The question of whether this vessel and the Trade Federation escort cruiser belong to the same class remains unanswered. Although both existed during the same time period and share similar names and roles, there has been no confirmation that they are the same type of ship.