Spaceport THX1138

Spaceport THX1138, a space station, functioned as a starliner terminal. Travel agencies belonging to the Galactic Tourist Bureau, such as Star Tours, utilized it. Its location was within the Earth system, situated in the Fath sector.


This space station featured a central superstructure surrounded by three expansive docking wings, in addition to a pair of struts. The design bore resemblance to an earlier star base from the era of the Clone Wars. Information was displayed on billboards, advertisements, map displays, and arrival/departure screens using Aurebesh, the High Galactic alphabet, and yet another written language.


Video screen in Central Hall
  • The Central Hall, spanning Levels A through D, showcased a sizable video screen. This screen presented advertisements and details regarding the spaceport and its associated travel agencies. Furthermore, it featured Imperial recruitment messages and listed some of the most wanted criminals by the Empire. [5] Level A was the baggage claim area, which provided entrances to the North and South Wings, access to a lift-tube, an overflow claim area, and stops from the Core Worlds and the Outer Rim. Level B was the Droid Claim, which included a PA Droid Scanning area, a market selling restraining bolts, a booth for removing restraining bolts, a droid assembly area, a droid repair area, a droid registration area, and a collection area. Level C featured the Duty Free area, souvenir shops with Outer Rim merchandise, holorecorders, RWH Droid Surplus stores, bacta surplus stores, and power converters. Droid customs was also located on this level, containing a certification station, a memory-wipe station, a memory backup station, Inspection Scan #1, and a droid registry for certification area. Level D contained the baby center and clinic, which had incubation pods for infants, a doctor's station, a section for aquatic newborns, a section for personal assistance droids, a section for medical/surgical droids, and bacta tanks.

  • The North Wing accommodated the terminals for Bespin Direct and Dantooine Express.

  • The South Wing housed the terminals for Air Alderaan, Tatooine Transit, and Naboo Spacelines.

C-3PO and R2-D2 repairing a StarSpeeder 1000
  • The X Wing contained the Star Tours travel agency terminal. Passengers passed through the main terminal area to board flights. This area had a large viewscreen displaying flight information and advertisements, and it had enough space to house and repair a StarSpeeder 1000. Flight information used color-coding to indicate the destination: arrivals were shown in red, while departures were in blue. Ramps from the terminal led to security and boarding areas, which often contained droids and other equipment in plain sight of passengers. The station also included the Lightspeed Lounge and an observation deck. [6] Signage within the station was typically displayed in Aurebesh, High Galactic, and an unidentified Imperial script. Before each departure, Aly San San, the WA-7 service droid, frequently made a public service announcement, with the designated StarSpeeder 1000 being brought up to the departure area via a cargo elevator. The boarding gates also had numeric and letter variants, the latter ranging from A to D. The starport also had a Restricted Customs Area. Level 1 was Baggage Claim / Transport. Level 2 was Ticketing. Level 3 was Security. Level 4 was Boarding Gates (at least six of them).[7] Level 5 was the Lightspeed Lounge. Level 6 was the Observation Deck.
Star Tours-operated boarding gates at the spaceport, on Level 4


During the early stages of the Galactic Civil War, Star Tours inaugurated its own terminal within the space station. Not long after, a StarSpeeder 1000, carrying passengers, inadvertently initiated its takeoff without the pilot droid. This left C-3PO "captaining" the vessel, with R2-D2 in the astromech socket. Imperial operatives detained the ship to apprehend a Rebel spy among the passengers. However, Artoo instead launched from the hangar, engaged in a firefight with the Imperials, and then escaped into hyperspace. Ultimately, the droids successfully delivered the spy to their intended destination.

Behind the scenes

Seen from its cockpit, a Star Tours StarSpeeder 1000 escapes Imperial TIE fighters coming from the station.

The station's internal layout mirrors that of the original Star Tours attraction's Tomorrowland Starport, as the subsequent ride was a revamped iteration of the initial one. The ride's queue and loading zone are situated within the spaceport, and its exterior is visible on the large video screen within the queue. Both internal and external perspectives are showcased on the ride's simulator screen.

While the space station remained unnamed in the Disney's Hollywood Studios and Disneyland renditions of the Star Tours: The Adventures Continue ride, a video billboard in the Tokyo Disneyland queue later identified the station and provided supplementary details. This was further substantiated for English-speaking audiences through the blog post titled Convenient Daily Departures: The History of Star Tours. The name serves as another Star Wars homage to George Lucas' film THX 1138. The design of space station Valor, featured in Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Point of No Return", drew inspiration from this station, courtesy of concept artist Pat Presley.

Legends scenes

One of the spaceport's hangars

The outcome of the scene depicting the Imperials' discovery of a stowaway spy aboard the ST-1401 varies based on the randomly selected scenario for the ride. In one version, several stormtroopers assault the vessel, while Han Solo, also entangled in a confrontation with stormtroopers, aids the shuttle's escape, even attacking a Star Destroyer upon exiting the station. Conversely, in another version, Darth Vader halts the ship mid-flight using the Force, only to release it when R2-D2 employs its onboard cannons to fire at Vader, who then dispatches a squadron of TIE/LN starfighters in pursuit into space.

Non-canon scenes

From 2015 onward, alternate scenes incorporating elements from the Sequel trilogy films and later Canon television series have been routinely integrated into the ride. Given that the original ride is considered part of the Star Wars Legends continuity, these subsequent scenarios are deemed non-canon. In one introductory scene within the space station, Kylo Ren and agents of the First Order detain the ship and its Resistance spy. In another, a scanning droid and First Order stormtroopers detain it, involving Rey, BB-8, and the Falcon. In yet another scene set during the Rebellion era, Ahsoka Tano's T-6 1974 ship flees from Imperial forces alongside the StarSpeeder. In this scenario, the StarSpeeder returns to the Spaceport THX 1138 hangar at the ride's conclusion, where it is greeted by an irate AC-38.

