The card game Young Jedi Collectible Card Game was brought to you by Decipher. Production ceased in 2001, but the Players Committee continued support until 2003. The game's design intended to be an intermediate step for players whose skill fell between Pokemon and the Star Wars Customizable Card Game. It drew exclusively from the content of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. Each year that Decipher held the license, they hosted a World Championship tournament for Young Jedi. After Decipher relinquished the license, the Players Committee held one year of Worlds for Young Jedi and developed some virtual sets. However, due to a decline in interest, both the virtual card production and the championship series were discontinued.
To begin, you must construct your deck, following the 6x10 rule. On each card's lower right corner, you'll find 6 circles, each displaying a different color: Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Green, and Purple. A 7th deckbuilding dot, white, was introduced later. For details on this, refer to Enhanced Menace of Darth Maul. Deck construction involves assembling 10 cards for each color dot. Red, Blue, and Green dots represent characters. Orange signifies Weapons, while Yellow represents battle and effect cards. Purple denotes your locations (requiring one of Tatooine, Naboo, or Coruscant), along with star fighters and transports. With that, your deck is prepared. Next, find an opponent with a deck representing the opposing side. If you're playing Dark Side, your opponent needs a Light Side deck. To determine the planet for the game, both players draw "destiny" cards. Flip over the top card of the deck and note the number in the upper right corner, shown in a blue or red die (representing Watto's Chance cube). The higher number wins and selects a location, which is placed horizontally between the players.
After selecting a location, each player draws six cards. Each turn consists of three phases. The first phase is "deploy." Each turn, you receive up to 6 "counters," indicated by the small silver bars beneath the corner picture. Some effect cards can alter this, but typically you have six counters per turn. Only Character, Effect, and Weapon cards are deployed to the field. During the first turn, these cards are deployed face down – a FIRST TURN ONLY action. Subsequently, cards are deployed face up until a new planet is introduced, known as the "hidden card rule." Battle cards, with red borders, are only deployed during combat. Characters and weapons are placed at the location card, while effects are played on the table to either your right or left, away from the location. Starting with the "Duel of the Fates (YJCCG)" card game, you can move your starships and transports into a "hyperspace" pile. This removes them from your hand without costing any counters. You can also transport characters off the old planets during this step. If you have transports in your hand or hyperspace pile, you can initiate "starship combat" to evacuate your old characters. Your opponent can "intercept" your transport. The Duel of the Fates (YJCCG) expansion introduced several battle cards specifically for starship combat. A successful transport results in the transport card being placed in the discard pile, while all characters and weapons return to the bottom of your reserve deck. If the transport fails, the ENTIRE transport pile is discarded, and you suffer the damage indicated on the card.
The second phase of the turn is combat. This phase is only possible if your cards are no longer "hidden" and you have characters present (see the "even up" step below). Combat is straightforward: you declare a battle. You and your opponent each create a 'battle plan' using the characters and weapons deployed on the current planet. You also announce the number of 'battle cards' you intend to use. You create your plan from left to right and bottom to top, placing cards face down. The bottom-most card will be the first, since after your plan is done you put it FACE DOWN. The correct order for the plan is "Battle, Weapon, and Character." For example, if you want Darth Maul to attack first with his lightsaber and a battle card, the order would be "Battle Card, Darth Maul's Lightsaber, and Darth Maul." Once the plan is set, place it face down to the left of the location card.
Flip the cards over, and if any "chance cubes" have ? marks, draw destiny for those cubes. Calculate the total power for each side, and the higher total wins the combat. If a character loses, they take "damage" from your deck. Place the defeated card (along with any weapon/battle cards) in the discard pile and take the top cards from your reserve deck (equal to the damage number listed in the lower left of the defeated card) and place them in your discard pile. These cards are permanently lost. Repeat this process until all cards have been resolved. If you are the ATTACKER (i.e., you initiated the fight) and have cards remaining after combat, your opponent takes "breakthrough" damage. Count the number of remaining cards (excluding weapon and battle cards, which are discarded at the end of the phase), and your opponent discards that many cards from the top of their reserve deck. Attacking is advantageous. Any destiny draws go to your hand.
The final phase is "Even up." Here, you draw cards until you have six in hand, or discard down to six. You can also discard your entire hand and draw back up to six. The goal is to have six cards in hand. This is also when you check your...
- " Around the Galaxy: It's All in the Cards " — Star Wars Galaxy Collector 6
- " A Celebration For The Ages " — Star Wars Galaxy Collector 7
- " Around the Galaxy " — Star Wars Galaxy Collector 8
- Young Jedi CCG in the Cargo Bay (content now obsolete; backup link)
- oung Jedi CCG on CCGTrader (archived from the original on April 22, 2021)
- Young Jedi Collectible Card Game on Decipher (archived from the original on December 10, 2008)