Duel of the Fates (YJCCG)

Duel of the Fates, launched on November 8, 2000 by Decipher, represents an expansion set for the Young Jedi Collectible Card Game. This set introduced fresh guidelines regarding "Dueling," along with a "Hyperspace" area designated for starfighters and transports. A considerable number of cards included in-game text, often tied to the dueling system, and presented updated character iterations. Furthermore, it built upon the "effect" card concept initially found within the Battle of Naboo (YJCCG) collection.

Card Types

  • Characters: 21 Light Side: 11 Dark Side: 10
  • Weapons: 5 Light Side: 2 Dark Side: 3
  • Battle Cards: 20 Light Side: 9 Dark Side: 11
  • Effects: 12 Light Side: 7 Dark Side: 5
  • Starships: 2 Light Side: 1 Dark Side: 1

Card list

Notes and references
