Marleyvane system

The Marleyvane system was first mentioned in the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare, authored by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart. Fry later commented that the name "Marleyvane," which to him evoked the writings of Charles Dickens, seemed appropriate for an Imperial posting in a "lawless" area of the Outer Rim Territories. In addition, the author noted that the Imperial shipyard in the system was intended to serve as a check on Mon Calamari Space, a nearby region of independent, anti-Imperial shipbuilders. The Online Companion to the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas later placed the Marleyvane system in grid square T-8.

Behind the scenes

The Marleyvane system was first mentioned in the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare, authored by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart. Fry later commented that the name "Marleyvane," which to him evoked the writings of Charles Dickens, seemed appropriate for an Imperial posting in a "lawless" area of the Outer Rim Territories. In addition, the author noted that the Imperial shipyard in the system was intended to serve as a check on Mon Calamari Space, a nearby region of independent, anti-Imperial shipbuilders. The Online Companion to the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas later placed the Marleyvane system in grid square T-8.


  • The Essential Guide to Warfare
