Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion

According to comments made by Atlas co-author Jason Fry, as revealed on's Jedi Council Forums, the Online Companion's database listed star systems according to names of well-known celestial objects, rather than proper system names, and that the database's listing was not intended to create new system names or override previously established continuity. He also stated his intention to create homeworlds for numerous species based on context implied from their names.

Online updates

On September 10, 2009, an exclusive map of the Outer Rim sectors developed from the original Outer Rim map from The Essential Atlas and a new appendix were published. On March 15, 2011, a map of the Mid Rim sectors and a new appendix were released. The appendix contained the sectors information for Mid Rim systems, the forgotten systems from previous versions, and the newly created systems (including those from The Clone Wars).

Email confirming that an update to The Essential Atlas Online Companion is on the way.

Email confirming that an update to The Essential Atlas Online Companion is on the way.

An email from Jason Fry later revealed that an appendix update and an Expansion Region sector map was to be released. On October 26, 2012 these updates were posted. On June 11, 2014, Jason Fry exclusively provided a HD version of the previously released Expansion Region sectors map to Wookieepedia. He also revealed that Lucasfilm Ltd. accepted publication of more appendix updates and sector maps.

Systems (by Region)

The systems below are listed alphabetically by region and are as named by The Essential Atlas Online Companion; not necessarily by their canon names.

Extragalactic systems

Hutt Space

Sith Worlds

Unplaced systems

