Hesoc brought his damaged X-wing starfighter back in, but his right leg had been injured to the point where he was fitted with a cybernetic prosthesis. Although such an injury would normally have meant an end to the pilot's flying career, Hesoc nevertheless managed to persuade the chain of command to reinstate him for combat duty.
The Matacorn campaign was introduced in "Irrefutable Logic," a short companion narrative included in Heroes & Rogues, a 1995 sourcebook written by Paul Sudlow and Rick Stuart for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.
The Matacorn campaign was introduced in "Irrefutable Logic," a short companion narrative included in Heroes & Rogues, a 1995 sourcebook written by Paul Sudlow and Rick Stuart for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. II