Matton Dasol's crew

Matton Dasol's crew was freighter crew that worked with the Human male Matton Dasol during the Jedi Civil War. They visited the planet of Kashyyyk often and acquired a large debt to the merchant Eli Gand. In 3956 BBY, Dasol was forced to be an indentured servant while they paid back the debt, but Gand tricked, ambushed, and murdered the crew in Kashyyyk's Shadowlands, attempting to retain Dasol's servitude indefinitely. The fate of the crew was recorded by their repair droid and eventually discovered by Revan. Revan confronted Gand, who ran off, leaving Dasol to take control of the merchant's business.


Matton Dasol was a mechanic for the crew.

Matton Dasol was a mechanic for the crew.

The crew was a freighter crew that consisted of a several droids, including D-A02, the ship's repair droid, which was equipped with an audio sensor. It also included at least three sentients, including the Human male mechanic Matton Dasol. The crew owned a starship which was occasionally required repairs.

In debt

Matton Dasol worked with a freighter crew that stopped frequently on the forested Mid Rim world of Kashyyyk during the Jedi Civil War between the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire. During their visits to the planet, known at the time by Czerka Corporation as Edean, they incurred a large debt to Eli Gand, a merchant who charged high interest on loans. In 3956 BBY, Gand forced Dasol into indentured servitude while his crew paid back the debt.


The remains of D-A02

The remains of D-A02

Dasol's crew was able to raise and give Gand the money, but he was not released immediately. Instead, he was absent for two days working on Gand's ship in orbit. During Dasol's absence, Gand tricked and lured the crew into Kashyyyk's Shadowlands, telling them that they could find salvage. The group was unable to find anything, but detected Gand on the sensors. They believed he could point them in the right direction, but Gand instead ambushed and murdered the crew with a blaster, attempting to keep Dasol in service as a mechanic permanently.

The crew's repair droid, D-A02, recorded the last moments of the crew before being destroyed itself by Gand. Though the droid's primary motivators failed, the droid remained recognizable and carried the audio recording in it's barely functional memory banks. Gand lied to Dasol, telling him that his crew left the planet without paying the repair bill. Seemingly abandoned by his friends, Dasol remained as a servant to Gand until they returned, under the guise of standard trading rules.

The truth

Thirty-six days later, former Dark Lord of the Sith Revan, who lost his memories and retrained as a Jedi, arrived on Kashyyyk during his search for the ancient Rakatan Star Maps. He spoke to Dasol and Gand and learned of the former's servitude.

During his time on the planet, Revan entered the Shadowlands. While exploring, he discovered D-A02's remains. The droid played back the audio recording before shutting down, and Revan thus learned of Gand's deception. Revan put the droid's head in his pack, causing the rest of the droid's remains to experience a power surge and explode. Returning back to the heights of the Wroshyr trees, he confronted Gand. Revan showed the men the droid's head, and though Gand tried to dismiss it as simple garbage, Dasol recognized the droid and realized what transpired, calling Gand a snake. Revan convinced Dasol to not resort to violence, and Gand ran off to the Shadowlands. Dasol, now freed from his servitude, but without a ship, decided to stay and run Gand's store, though he expected to face some difficulties with Gand's former clients. He wished to pay for passage off Kashyyyk, rather than get involved with more debt. To reward Revan, Dasol gave him credits, though he noted he could always spend them at his newly acquired shop. The recording of the crew's final moments was later used against Gand in a trial.

Behind the scenes

Matton Dasol's crew appears in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, developed by BioWare. The crew is involved in the "Honest Debt" quest, which is optional and requires the player to speak to Gand and Dasol. If the player does not complete the quest before inciting the Wookiees to revolt against the Czerka Corporation, as is the path confirmed by The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, the quest will be completed automatically and the men are forced off the planet. Entries in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia for D-A02, Eli Gand, and Matton Dasol confirm that Revan recovered D-A02's remains and confronted Gand, so Revan must have done so before confronting and deposing Chuundar.




