The Melne family was a small-time family on the planet Naboo. The family consisted of Dren Melne, his mother and father, and a younger brother.
They detested King Ars Veruna because his off-world dealings led their elder son Dren Melne to develop an interest in exploring the Galaxy. Regardless of their feelings, Dren left Naboo to become a mercenary and starfighter pilot. He returned years later and discovered that they had maintained their contempt for his decision and disowned him.
In 33 BBY, Dren betrayed the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps during the Battle at TFP-9, and he was killed by his own contractors in order to silence him.
Dren's lover Essara Till visited Melne's family inquiring about his betrayal and was met with hostility as they vented their anger at her. His parents watched with pride as their younger son chased Till onto the streets. She came to believe that Melne's family was the core reason for his betrayal.