Mission to Kudo III


In the Clone Wars, following the Battle of Corvair, the Galactic Republic sent the Resolute to Kudo III based on intelligence about a droid factory on the moon. Admiral Wullf Yularen endorsed a plan to bomb the plant's reactor, although it would cause heavy civilian casualties while minimizing clone trooper losses. Jedi General Anakin Skywalker decided to land himself and investigate.

The mission

Anakin Skywalker fights B1 battle droids during the mission.

Anakin Skywalker fights B1 battle droids during the mission.

Skywalker took his starfighter down to the factory. He infiltrated inside, and discovered that the Separatists had enslaved the Kudon; if the Republic had destroyed the factory it would have been a propaganda victory. Skywalker freed the slaves and they took up arms against the battle droids.


After the mission, Yularen and Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi understood the factory had been a Separatist ploy. If they had gone through with the admiral's plan, the deaths of the Kudon would have been used as a political weapon by the Confederacy to convince neutral systems to join. Now that they were free, Skywalker speculated that the Confederate slavery would push the Kudon to join the Republic.


  • Skywalker: A Family at War
  • Star Wars: Timelines



