Around 229 BBY, nine months after the Destruction of Starlight Beacon, three members of the Jedi Order, working with the Republic Defense Coalition undertook a mission to the edge of the Stormwall after members of the Nihil maurader organization led by Storm Melis Shryke attacked a settlement on the planet Asternin. The Jedi and Reublic Defense Coalition arrived to provide aid to the settlement but were also attacked by the Nihil, who used a 47 lightsaber nullifier on their Stormship Cacophony to disable the Jedi's lightsabers.
One of the Jedi, Grand Master Pra-Tre Veter, decided to hold off the Nihil himself and sent the other two, Jedi Knights Bell Zettifar and Burryaga Agaburry to round up the townspeople and help them escape. Though Veter fought off many Nihil without injury and was able to climb up a rope to the Cacophony, Shryke activated a propulsion system that threw Veter back down to the surface of the planet with great force. Though Zettifar and Agaburry were able to gather and flee with many of the townspeople, Veter was captured by Shryke and given to Eye of the Nihil Marchion Ro.