
Murl was a Toydarian slice doc who operated on the planet Corellia during the reign of the Galactic Empire. Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, after her electro-tattoos were fried whilst using a Thought Dowser aboard the Crimson Dawn Fortress-Flagship, the Vermillion, rogue archaeologist Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra visited Murl with the smuggler Sana Starros in the hopes that Murl could repair her tattoos. Murl, however, was unable to repair them and offered to cut them out of Aphra's arm for one hundred credits instead. Aphra dismissed the idea, and Murl offered to do it for fifty credits, but Starros informed the Toydarian they were leaving. Aphra tattoos were eventually repaired and upgraded by the Tagge Corporation.



