N0-AH first appeared as an unnamed droid in "Chapter 9: The Marshal," the season two premiere of the television series The Mandalorian, directed by Jon Favreau and released on Disney+ on October 30, 2020. The droid was subsequently identified in the form of an action figure released by Disney in 2021 as part of a set with three other droids from The Mandalorian as part of the Star Wars: Droid Factory toy line.
N0-AH first appeared as an unnamed droid in "Chapter 9: The Marshal," the season two premiere of the television series The Mandalorian, directed by Jon Favreau and released on Disney+ on October 30, 2020. The droid was subsequently identified in the form of an action figure released by Disney in 2021 as part of a set with three other droids from The Mandalorian as part of the Star Wars: Droid Factory toy line.