A headdress similar to Amidala's was displayed at Galactic Antiquities and Objects of Interest, Luthen Rael's gallery on Coruscant. They were also sold by Dok-Ondar at Dok-Ondar's Den of Antiquities in Black Spire Outpost on Batuu.
In 22 BBY, when Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo fled to her homeworld after multiple attempts to assassinate her, she wore a Naboo crest headdress covered by an ocher-colored lace veil to disguise herself as a refugee from the Thousand Moons system. After she arrived in Theed to meet with Queen Jamillia in Theed Royal Palace, Amidala removed her veil to display her ornate headdress.
During the Imperial Era, in 5 BBY, a Naboo headdress similar to Amidala's was on display at Galactic Antiquities and Objects of Interest, a gallery owned by Luthen Rael in the galactic capital, Coruscant. He was examining the item when Kleya Marki, the gallery's concierge and a fellow rebel, informed him that one of his spies had left signs to request a meeting with him. In 3 BBY, Queen Dalné of Naboo owned and displayed one of the headdresses alongside other royal garments in her wardrobe at the palace on the moon Onoam.
Naboo crest headdresses of the same design as Amidala's were sold at Dok-Ondar's Den of Antiquities in 34 ABY. The store was operated by the Ithorian Dok-Ondar in Black Spire Outpost on Batuu.
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