A New Republic Observer was an independent observer of conditions and crises in the New Republic and were was assigned to a sector to investigate potentially improper governmental activities, and were tasked with reporting their finding back to the New Republic Senate. The New Republic began to sponsored them in the closing days of the Galactic Civil War.
Each observer was assigned to a sector of the Republic, and tasked with reporting to the Senate and the High Council any activities worth noting, especially misbehavior and corruption among local or New Republic officials. Observers were chosen very carefully by sponsoring governments, ensuring that only extremely ethical beings would join the organization. They were chosen to be as incorruptible and impartial as possible. Each Observer was assigned a sector far from their homeworld in an effort to avoid charges of favoritism, and were given strictly defined mandates. This was done partly to counter the fear that the Observers might evolve into a secret security forces similar to that used by the Empire during its reign of terror. These fears never eventuated, and the Observers became a respected organization in the New Republic.
Typically, Observers did not announce their presence, instead maintaining cover roles, such as traders, tourists, and other common occupations. Observers would reveal their true identities only to their most trusted confidants. Each observer carried a distinctive gold-filigree pin, which could be used to identify themselves.
This was the case with Moshene Tre, an Observer who initiated contact with Jedi Master Luke Skywalker while on Cejansij. Tre wanted to impress upon Luke the effect the Caamas Document crisis was having on common people. He showed him a peaceful demonstration, emphasizing that the protest stemmed not from rival political factions seeking influence, but from genuine differences of opinion and a widespread desire for justice in the Galaxy.
Another effective Observer was Fulin Gor. Formerly, a law enforcement officer of the Iotran Police Force, Gor was assigned to the Corellian sector. Posing as a trader of rare woods, Gor traveled throughout the sector. His investigations included seedy Coronet City, and watching the progress of the Hunchuzuc Den on Selonia. A staunch supporter of the New Republic, he joined forces with honorable groups to fight against the Yuuzhan Vong.
- Coruscant and the Core Worlds
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia