Nim Bola

Bola operated on Tatooine and frequented Mos Eisley Cantina. At one point, he was followed by a Rodian and Barabel bounty hunters, but led them into a dark alley where he was able to ambush them. He went to the Pit of Carkoon to dispose of their corpses. While there, he came across the remains of an Ambassador-class shuttle carrying Tereb Ab'Lon and the astromech droid R2-Z1. He managed to free the droid from the wreckage and was asked by Ab'Lon to take the droid to the Rebel Alliance. Bola decided to sell the droid to the highest bidder, and tossed the grievously injured Ab'Lon to the sarlaac. He later met a group of Rebels to arrange the sale of the droid for 50,000 credits.

Bola hid the droid at his home but was captured by the Empire. A group of Rebels arrived on Tatooine to pick up the droid, but were informed by Tavril that they would have to assist him in freeing Bola from Imperial confinement before he would reveal the location of the droid. Tavril had the group place explosives on the militia building where Bola was being held. He rescued Bola in the confusion caused by the explosives and the pair fled the planet.


Bola operated on Tatooine and frequented Mos Eisley Cantina. At one point, he was followed by a Rodian and Barabel bounty hunters, but led them into a dark alley where he was able to ambush them. He went to the Pit of Carkoon to dispose of their corpses. While there, he came across the remains of an Ambassador-class shuttle carrying Tereb Ab'Lon and the astromech droid R2-Z1. He managed to free the droid from the wreckage and was asked by Ab'Lon to take the droid to the Rebel Alliance. Bola decided to sell the droid to the highest bidder, and tossed the grievously injured Ab'Lon to the sarlaac. He later met a group of Rebels to arrange the sale of the droid for 50,000 credits.

Bola hid the droid at his home but was captured by the Empire. A group of Rebels arrived on Tatooine to pick up the droid, but were informed by Tavril that they would have to assist him in freeing Bola from Imperial confinement before he would reveal the location of the droid. Tavril had the group place explosives on the militia building where Bola was being held. He rescued Bola in the confusion caused by the explosives and the pair fled the planet.






