Ambassador-class shuttle


Sleek with port and starboard wings, Ambassador-class shuttles were built to spoil those with power, and often included a huge meeting and recreational chamber, fully stocked galley, elegant dining facilities, and roomy deluxe cabins.

Fifty meters long, the ship carried a crew of two (consisting of a pilot and a gunner), ten passengers, and 100 metric tons of cargo. For defense, it mounted two forward fire-linked double laser cannons. It sported a reasonably fast hyperdrive and was capable enough to outrun a Star Destroyer and outmaneuver TIE fighters with tight barrel rolls, sharp dives, and other evasive maneuvers.


Tereb Ab'Lon used an Ambassador-class to escape from the Victory-class Star Destroyer Temerit above Bothawui. Under the Galactic Empire, countless Ambassador-class shuttles were made at the SoroSuub , a small ground-based shipbuilding facility; after the Battle of Yavin, the yards went on to produce Cutlass-9 patrol fighters and other starfighters for the Rebellion.


  • Strongholds of Resistance



