Cutlass-9 patrol fighter

The Cutlass-9 patrol fighter, alternatively known as the SoroSuub patrol fighter, represented a starfighter model produced by the SoroSuub Corporation in the era preceding the Clone Wars.


Measuring twelve meters in its overall length, the Cutlass-9 was engineered to safeguard the interests of the SoroSuub Corporation within the Sullust system and throughout the galaxy. Its armament consisted of dual laser cannons coupled with a concussion-missile launcher.


A Cutlass-9 patrol fighter

During the period of the Galactic Republic, Jedi Master Saesee Tiin acquired one of these spacecraft as a gift from a group of Duros diplomats whom he had rescued from pirates. He extensively modified the ship, surpassing its original specifications, and named it Sharp Spiral.

Initially, the fighter was exclusively intended for SoroSuub's own security forces; however, the corporation also supplied substantial numbers of these fighters to its allies within the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Following the conclusion of the war, the design gained widespread adoption among planetary defense forces and pirate organizations.

Although production was halted after the Clone Wars, it was later resumed when Sorosuub secretly began providing assistance to the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Upon Sullust's secession from the Galactic Empire and its subsequent integration into the Alliance to Restore the Republic, these vessels were integrated into the Alliance Fleet. Cutlass-9 starfighters continued their service within the fleets of the New Republic.


The design of the Fury-class starfighter employed by the One Sith drew inspiration from the Cutlass-9 patrol fighter.

