Tereb Ab'Lon, a Bothan male, transitioned from a political career to supporting the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War.

Ab'Lon had always aspired to hold a seat within the Imperial Senate. However, this aspiration was dashed when Emperor Palpatine made the decision to dissolve the Senate in 0 BBY. Upon realizing that attaining a position of influence within the Galactic Empire was no longer possible, Ab'Lon chose to align himself with the Rebel Alliance. Ab'Lon proved to be a valuable asset to the Rebellion, granting them access to significant quantities of information from Imperial databases and archives that would have otherwise been inaccessible.
While en route to the Alliance to deliver crucial information stored in his droid, Fweep, Ab'Lon faced an encounter with Imperial TIE fighters, which resulted in a forced crash landing on Tatooine. Suffering from severe injuries, he was rescued by Nim Bola, a local detective. Ab'Lon requested that Bola deliver the droid to the Alliance. However, Bola, believing that the Empire would offer a substantial reward for the droid, decided to eliminate Ab'Lon by casting him into the sarlacc pit and subsequently handing over the droid to the Empire.
Ab'Lon demonstrated extreme caution and avoided taking any risks that were not necessary. Known for his cunning and slyness, he devised numerous intricate schemes with the intention of elevating his reputation, with the hope of eventually securing a prominent role within the Rebellion.