Nim Bola worked as a freelance detective that was available for hire. His base of operations was Tatooine during the time of the Galactic Civil War. He worked alongside a Twi'lek whose name was Tavri.
Operating out of Tatooine, Bola was a frequent patron of Mos Eisley Cantina. On one occasion, he found himself being tracked by a Rodian and a Barabel who were both bounty hunters. Bola lured them into a dimly lit alleyway, where he then ambushed them. To get rid of the bodies, he took them to the Pit of Carkoon. While there, he stumbled upon the wreckage of an Ambassador-class shuttle which held Tereb Ab'Lon and the astromech droid known as R2-Z1. Bola was able to pull the droid from the wreckage, and Ab'Lon requested that he deliver the droid to the Rebel Alliance. Instead, Bola made the decision to sell the droid to the highest bidder, and he threw the badly wounded Ab'Lon to the sarlaac. Later, he met with a group of Rebels to negotiate the sale of the droid for 50,000 credits.
Bola kept the droid hidden at his residence, but was ultimately apprehended by the Empire. A group of Rebels journeyed to Tatooine to collect the droid, but Tavril informed them that they would first need to assist in freeing Bola from Imperial custody before he would reveal the droid's location. Tavril instructed the group to plant explosives on the militia building where Bola was being held. Amidst the chaos caused by the explosions, he successfully rescued Bola, and the pair escaped the planet.