Tavri was a mercenary of the Twi'lek species, and male, who was operating as a soldier of fortune during the era of the Galactic Civil War. For a period, Tavri was an associate of the detective known as Nim Bola.
Leaving his planet of origin at a young age, Tavri traveled throughout the Galaxy. He spent the majority of his time in the Fringe in an attempt to stay out of the conflict of the Galactic Civil War. An unfortunate incident involving the forces of the Imperials resulted in his imprisonment, where Bola happened to be investigating an escape. The detective brokered an agreement for Tavri's release, and the Twi'lek subsequently became his devoted bodyguard.
While on Tatooine with Bola, Tavri assisted when a pair of bounty hunters began following the detective. The Twi'lek aided Bola in setting up an ambush, resulting in the death of both hunters within an alley located in Mos Eisley. Subsequently, he stood guard while Bola negotiated the sale of the droid R2-Z1. Noticing that they were under observation, Tavri ascended to the roof of the docking bay, where he discovered two Ossans protecting a Jenet who was covertly monitoring the meeting. Before they could relay information to the Imperials, Tavri successfully stunned the Ossans and eliminated the Jenet.