
R2-Z1, articulated as Artoo-ZeeOne, functioned as an astromech droid under the ownership of a Bothan diplomat, specifically Tereb Ab'Lon. This droid was commonly referred to as Fweep.


R2-Z1 belonged to the R2-series astromech droid line. Tereb Ab'Lon possessed him, frequently utilizing him to safeguard Imperial intelligence the Bothan had unearthed. He fled Bothawui alongside Ab'Lon, but he could not mend the Ambassador-class shuttle following its damage in a skirmish with TIE fighters. The shuttle exited hyperspace and subsequently crashed close to the Pit of Carkoon situated on Tatooine. Ab'Lon sustained injuries from the crash, and R2-Z1 was also damaged. Nim Bola seized the droid, intending to auction him off to the highest offer.

Personality and traits

A design imperfection caused him to involuntarily emit a sound resembling "fweep". His resolute and unwavering nature fostered profound fidelity to his owner.

