Obersken was a powerfully built, aged Chiss male who worked for both the Chiss Ascendancy and the Empire of the Hand. He held the position of head mechanic at the Syndic Mitth'raw'nuruodo training academy, situated on the Unknown Regions planet of Rhigar. He frequently lectured Human cadet Jagged Fel about his recklessness, asserting that the Chiss did not require heroes, during Fel's numerous flights in his Nssis-class Clawcraft named Blue Flame. In 19 ABY, during a training exercise, Fel wrecked the Blue Flame, prompting Obersken to rescue him using a vividly red vehicle, after which he reprimanded Fel. The head mechanic's hair was white.
The short story Red Sky, Blue Flame, penned by Elaine Cunningham, featured Obersken. It was released in 2001 as part of the seventh edition of the Star Wars Gamer publication.