Oktos sector

The Oktos sector was a Mid Rim sector located in the Slice. It formed a part of the Mid Rim's border with Hutt Space. The sector contained the Dakaret, Mhalanduin, Nirellia, Ord Wylan, and Ruloosia systems. The Gamor Run hyperlane also passed through the sector. A pair of species native to the Oktos sector was the Nirellian ground-slug and the Ruloosian sand-snake.

By 36:1:16, the gambler Lando Calrissian briefly owned the license rights for a taxi-service on the world Ord Wylan after winning them in a game of sabacc. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the extragalactic invaders of the galaxy advanced along the stretch of the Gamor Run passing through the Oktos sector before attacking the Lannik system in the neighboring Lannik Space. The Hutts later sent a fleet along that section of the Gamor Run to aid their allies in the Confederation during the Second Galactic Civil War against the Galactic Alliance.

Location and star systems

The Oktos sector was located in the Slice portion of the Mid Rim. By 0 ABY, it bordered the Esaga sector spinward and the Hune and Daalang sectors Coreward The sector also shared the trailing border with Lannik Space and formed the Mid Rim's Rimward border with Hutt Space.

The northwestern section of the Oktos sector contained the Nirellia system. The Dakaret system was situated in the western portion of the sector, and the southeastern section of the Oktos sector contained the Mhalanduin, Ruloosia, and Ord Wylan systems.

Routes and namesakes

The Oktos sector lay on the Mid Rim's border with Hutt Space and shared its name with the Oktos Nebula.

The Oktos sector lay on the Mid Rim's border with Hutt Space and shared its name with the Oktos Nebula.

The hyperlane known as the Gamor Run passed through the southernmost portion of the Oktos sector close to its border with Lannik Space. The hyperspace route linked the sector to the Daalang system in the eponymous sector as well as the Circumtore system in Hutt Space.

The Oktos sector shared its name with the Oktos Nebula, a Hutt Space nebulosity located close to that region's border with the Mid Rim; the Oktos Route, a hyperlane traveling along the edges of the Oktos Nebula before entering the Mid Rim; and the Oktos Zone Imperial Outpost, a Galactic Empire military facility on the Hutt Space planet Toydaria.


After conquering the Circumtore system as part of their invasion of the galaxy between 26 ABY and 27 ABY, the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong advanced along the Gamor Run toward the previously-captured Daalang system before traveling along the Bothan Run hyperlane in order to attack the Lannik system in Lannik Space.

When the Second Galactic Civil War broke out in 40 ABY, the Hutts sent a fleet to aid the Confederation in its fight against the Galactic Alliance in the Coreward regions of the galaxy. The fleet, originating from the Hutt Space planet Nal Hutta, traveled along the section of the Gamor Run connecting the Circumtore and Daalang systems before transferring to the route known as the Trax Tube.


The Oktos sector world Ord Wylan served as a Galactic Republic Ordnance/Regional Depot during the Pius Dea Era.

The Oktos sector world Ord Wylan served as a Galactic Republic Ordnance/Regional Depot during the Pius Dea Era.

The Nirellia system was home to the creatures known as Nirellian ground-slugs. The Dakaret system shared its name with the holo-vid Denizens of Dakaret IX, while the name of the Mhalanduin system was shared by the Mhalanduin Reformation, an event that occurred at some point by 0 BBY. The Ruloosia system was home to Ruloosian sand-snakes, and the Ord Wylan system contained a world of the same name.

Ord Wylan served as an Ordnance/Regional Depot outpost for the Galactic Republic during the Pius Dea Era, a period of time that lasted between 12,000 BBY and 11,000 BBY, despite it being located just outside the borders of Republic space. Millennia later, by the date 36:1:16, the license rights for a taxi service on Ord Wylan had become highly sought-after. During that time, the gambler Lando Calrissian won the rights in a game of sabacc, although he lost them only moments later in a bet over the brand of liquor the players were drinking.

Behind the scenes

The Oktos sector was established in the StarWars.com Online Companion to the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas. Jason Fry, co-author of The Essential Atlas, confirmed on the Jedi Council Forums of TheForce.net that the sector was named after the Oktos Nebula. In 2012, the Oktos sector was depicted on a map designed by Modi and published in the Online Companion feature Essential Atlas Extra: Sectors of the Mid Rim.
