Olhak the Reaver

Olhak the Reaver was a Taung who served as a general during the war between the Taung and the Zhell. Some of the general's exploits were included in the Taung poem Dha Werda Verda, written to celebrate their victory over the Battalions of Zhell at the Battle of Great Zhell. Many millennia after the writing of Dha Werda Verda, the events and characters it described were generally known by the public of Norton, which had been renamed Coruscant. In 2 BBY Olhak the Reaver was mentioned by the historian Hu Jibwe in an article published in the periodical Imperial Center Today about the ancient poem.

Olhak the Reaver was created to be mentioned in The Essential Guide to Warfare, a book written by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart which was released in 2012, although ultimately the general's inclusion was cut. The section that would have included Olhak the Reaver was then published as part of Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, a series of articles released periodically on the StarWars.com blog starting in 2013. The article does not state what gender Olhak was.

Behind the scenes

Olhak the Reaver was created to be mentioned in The Essential Guide to Warfare, a book written by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart which was released in 2012, although ultimately the general's inclusion was cut. The section that would have included Olhak the Reaver was then published as part of Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, a series of articles released periodically on the StarWars.com blog starting in 2013. The article does not state what gender Olhak was.


  • The Essential Guide to Warfare
