
Sometime later, Phaedra sat with Kanata in a room. As Chewbacca fought with more prisoners, the two began to talk about escaping from the prison. Phaedra told Kanata that she had been looking for someone that fit the sizes of Kanata and Chewbacca for her plan, but also pointed out it required the assistance of two other prisoners, the Aqualish Ponda Baba and Doctor Cornelius Evazan. At a later point, Phaedra gave the pills to Chewbacca, and as she was questioned by Kanata about how she had got hold of the pills, Chewbacca fell to the floor seemingly dead, as part of Phaedra's plan, and was taken away. Phaedra then informed Kanata that she was up next in the plan to escape. As Kanata headed to free Evazan and Baba in exchange for them helping move dioxis gas canisters, Phaedra pretended that she was doing cleaning work in one of the wings of the prison. The guards in the wing stated that Phaedra was not supposed to be there, and she attacked them with a mop, and stole their blaster.

Phaedra then retrieved Kanata and stored her in a trolley and they met up with Chewbacca, who had since awoke from the effects of the pills and the two made their way to the flight deck. When they arrived Phaedra informed Chewbacca she had bribed a guard for an access code to one of the transports, though at that moment that very same transport was flying away and they were stranded. Three guards then approached and asked for Phaedra's credentials. Phaedra, in an attempt to stall, told Chewbacca she was working on a plan. The guards demanded Phaedra's credentials or they would shoot, and again Phaedra said she working on it when Chewbacca asked. Kanata then revealed herself and shot the guards. With her transport gone, Phaedra admitted she had no idea how to fly a transport without an access code, and added she would think of something.

The trio were then saved when Han Solo, Chewbacca and Kanata's friend, arrived in a ship and collected the trio. After they dropped Kanata off on Takodana, Phaedra traveled with Chewbacca and Solo to Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina on Tatooine where they confronted the Rodian bounty hunter Greedo about the location of Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon.















