Pod 1977

Pod 1977 was the callsign for an life pod carried aboard Jedi Master Plo Koon's Venator-class Star Destroyer Triumphant. It was destroyed during the Battle of Abregado.


Escape Pod 1977 was carried aboard Jedi Master Plo Koon's Venator-class Star Destroyer Triumphant early in the Clone Wars. As Master Plo Koon's fleet patrolled the Abregado system, General Grievous' mystery weapon, the starship Malevolence, ambushed the ship with its massive mega-ion cannon, removing all the craft's defenses and making it vulnerable to the Malevolences turbolasers. As Koon's ship was bombarded, all of its escape pods were jettisoned, including Pod 1977. Later, as the pod floated through space, it was breached by rocket battle droids from a pod hunter, killing all those inside.

Behind the scenes

This pod was named after the year 1977, when Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope was released. It appears in the episode Rising Malevolence in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.


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