Port Mackie

Port Mackie was a location. In 382 BBY, the Path of the Open Hand cult members Yana Ro and Werth Plouth left the Mid Rim moon Jedha to travel to the Outer Rim planet Dalna aboard a cargo hauler that was headed to the Mid Rim world Ord Mantell. During the journey, the two left the vessel when it reached Port Mackie, though had a hard time finding passage to Dalna due to a sector-wide communications crisis. Eventually, Ro and Plouth left with the Tarsunt Okut Dand who was on his way to the Marat system. Before they arrived at Dalna aboard Dand's ship, Ro mentally recalled her's and Plouth's time at Port Mackie.

Port Mackie was mentioned in the 2023 young-adult novel The High Republic: Path of Vengeance, written by Cavan Scott as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II.

Behind the scenes

Port Mackie was mentioned in the 2023 young-adult novel The High Republic: Path of Vengeance, written by Cavan Scott as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II.






