In 21 ABY, during the New Republic Era, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian undertook a quest to find the hidden world of Exegol in the Unknown Regions where they encountered the acolyte Kiza and spirit of Viceroy Exim Panshard, while there efforts were undermined by the Corporate Sector Authority, the First Order and Sith Eternal.
They were ultimately unable to locate Exegol and abandoned the quest. However, years later, in 35 ABY, during the war between the First Order and the Resistance, Skywalker's Jedi apprentice, Rey, picked up the quest again in order to find Exegol.
According to legend, Exegol was the hidden world of the Sith. In 21 ABY, Skywalker began to sense the continued presence of the dark side. As a result, he began to investigate leads that mentioned Exegol. His friend Lando Calrissian joined him in his quest to find Exegol.
Skywalker journeyed to Tython where upon meditating on the seeing stone, he saw a vision of Exegol. He dueled nine wraiths when the Force spirit of Anakin Skywalker appeared next to him.
Skywalker and Calrissian investigated rumors of a hunter of Sith relics and an old Jedi hunter named Ochi of Bestoon. Having kept tabs on the underworld to find leads on his daughter Kadara Calrissian, Calrissian overheard an inebriated Ochi, boasting in a cantina known as the Sennifer's Beam and Balance about how he had been brought back into the fold by the Sith. Skywalker and Calrissian sought out Ochi, eventually tracking him to the desert planet Pasaana. However, their trail ran cold on Pasaana, where they could not find Ochi, and thus were unable to find the wayfinder. Ochi's ship remained out in the desert.
In 35 ABY, during the war between the First Order and the Resistance, the Sith Lord Darth Sidious and his followers, the Sith Eternal, revealed themselves to the galaxy. Searching for the origin of the message, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren acquired a Sith wayfinder on Mustafar that led him to Exegol, where the Sith Eternal had created the largest fleet ever known to the galaxy, the Final Order. Sidious offered the fleet to Ren if he killed the last Jedi, Rey.
A spy in the First Order relayed this information to the Resistance, and Rey, who had briefly trained as a Jedi under Skywalker and continued her training under his sister, Resistance General Leia Organa, learned from Skywalker's annotations in the sacred Jedi texts that he had been searching for a Sith wayfinder that could lead to Exegol years earlier, but his trail had run cold on Pasaana. In an effort to stop the Sith fleet, Rey resumed his quest for Exegol along with Finn, Poe Dameron, Chewbacca, and droids C-3PO and BB-8 from the Millennium Falcon.
During their mission to Pasaana, the Resistance team met Lando Calrissian, who explained the quest to them. Eventually, the group obtained another wayfinder that led them to Exegol, where they were able to stop the Final Order fleet from deploying at the Battle of Exegol, which also saw the destruction of Darth Sidious and the Sith Eternal.
The quest to find Exegol was first mentioned in the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, the last installment of the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Some sources stated that Calrissian picked up Ochi's trail upon hearing that Ochi had claimed to have found a Sith wayfinder in the Emperor's vaults that could lead to Exegol. However, when the quest was depicted in Shadow of the Sith, it was instead established that Calrissian had overheard Ochi talking about how he had been "reactivated" by the Sith.
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