Raid on Corsin

Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders once raided the planet of Corsin. Before Mandalorians directly harassed the Galactic Republic's forces in 3965 BBY, they raided systems outside the Republic's territory. This went on for most of a decade after they devastated the planet of Cathar in 3973 BBY, and during this time they attacked Corsin.

In 24 ABY, Vilnau Teupt delivered the keynote address at the four-hundred-twelfth Proceedings of Galactic Anthropology and History, in which he spoke on the Mandalorian race's development, mentioned the raiding of Corsin during his overview of the Mandalorian War.

The battle was referenced in The Essential Guide to Warfare.

Behind the scenes

The battle was referenced in The Essential Guide to Warfare.


  • The Essential Guide to Warfare
