Proceedings of Galactic Anthropology and History

The Galactic Anthropology and History Proceedings were a periodic gathering focused on scholarly investigations into the anthropology and historical aspects of various galactic civilizations. The Brentaal Academy served as the host for the 412th iteration of these Proceedings, which took place in 24 ABY.

At this particular gathering, Vilnau Teupt presented the main speech, entitled "Industry, Honor, Savagery: Shaping the Mandalorian Soul." In this presentation, they provided a historical overview of the Mandalorian warrior tradition, starting with their takeover of the planet Mandalore, continuing through the participation of Mandalorian clans in conflicts such as the Great Sith War, the Mandalorian Wars, the Return, and the Mandalorian Excision, and concluding with the events surrounding the Mandalorian Civil War and the Mandalorians' involvement in the Clone Wars.

Production Notes

The book The Essential Guide to Warfare, published in 2012 and authored by Jason Fry along with Paul R. Urquhart, was the initial source to present the concept of the Proceedings of Galactic Anthropology and History.


  • The Essential Guide to Warfare (Initial mention)

