Rishi Station, also known as the Rishi moon outpost, was a Galactic Republic listening outpost located on the moon of the planet Rishi.
Rishi Station was one of a chain of Republic outposts intended to protect the cloning facilities on Kamino during the Clone Wars. As a key strategic location, it was subject to inspection by high-ranking clone officers. Despite its importance, it was a usually-quiet posting. It was mostly staffed by rookie clone troopers part of a unit led by Clone Sergeant "O'Niner." Clones stationed there were prohibited from leaving the station because of dangerous creatures such as the Rishi eels found on the moon. For the most part, clones in service on the station had little to do except monitor movement of ships nearby.
The base itself had a communications relay and an observation platform that served as a landing platform. The platform was typically guarded by a single trooper armed with macrobinoculars to survey the surrounding area. The interior of the base had a command center with several consoles, an armory, and several hallways with rooms that could be sealed with blast doors. Up from the main blast doors, multiple sets of stairs led to the command center, a large room complete with several high-facing windows and several chairs for those operating one of the many monitors.
During the first year of the war, the clones of Domino Squad, Hevy, Echo, Fives, Cutup, and Droidbait, were deployed to the station. Soon after, it was attacked by Separatist commando droids who hardwired the base's all-clear signal as part of a plan by General Grievous to attack Kamino. In order to stop the signal and alert the Republic Military to the planned invasion, the surviving clones, Hevy, Echo, and Fives, joined Clone Captain Rex and Clone Commander Cody to retake the base and resorted to destroying Rishi Station altogether, with Hevy sacrificing himself to do so.
Rishi Station first appeared in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Rookies," the fifth episode of the show's first season.
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