River stone

This river stone was a thirteenth-birthday present for Obi-Wan Kenobi, given to him by his Master, Qui-Gon Jinn. It was smooth and black, and light revealed red veins in it. Obi-Wan's initial reaction was confusion and disappointment that he had received a gift from his Master that seemed to have no value, but he soon came to appreciate his gift.

When Obi-Wan was captured by the Syndicat, a criminal organization that controlled the planet Phindar, he was saved from the terrible fate of being mind-wiped by the Syndicat because of the stone's powers. He found that the stone was Force-sensitive, and that he was able to use the stone to wrap his mind in layers of the Force, allowing him to retain all his memories. Later, he asked Qui-Gon whether he had known that the stone was Force-sensitive, but Qui-Gon revealed nothing to him.

Obi-Wan later gave the river stone to his own Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, for his thirteenth birthday. Anakin was more grateful to have it than Obi-Wan had been at first, as he knew it had once belonged to Qui-Gon. In fact, Anakin later came to view the stone as "his most precious possession."









