Roggwarts were large, predatory beasts with curved horns, long tails, and thick skin from the planet Mustafar. During the Clone Wars, General Grievous kept a roggwart named "Gor" as a pet.
Roggwarts are large, predatory, semi-sentient beasts standing 4 meters tall, armed with long claws and two horns that curve forwards, sharp flesh-tearing fangs, powerful leg muscles, and a tail that could impale attackers. While their tough muscular bodies can shrug off blaster shots and even some lightsaber wounds. Roggwarts are a favorite pet of the Kaleesh warriors.
The creatures have an aggressive nature, and only those taken from the most young of age are able to be trained as pets or guardians.
Roggwarts were native to the planet Guiteica and the Outer Rim planet Mustafar. At some point, the roggwarts was taken as trophies by the warlords of Kaleesh from their battles with the Bitthævrian homeworld of Guiteica. During the Clone Wars, General Grievous kept a pet roggwart named Gor as a guard in his castle on the third moon of Vassek. Gor was roughly the size of a rancor and had been enhanced by EV-A4-D with cybernetics including mechanical arms attached to the creature's back. Gor was released to attack the Nautolan Jedi Master Kit Fisto, the Mon Calamari Jedi Knight Nahdar Vebb, and Clone Commander Fil. Though Fil was slain after Gor grabbed him with his tail and slammed him into the ground, the roggwart proved to be no match for Master Fisto, who used his lightsaber to kill the beast.
On Nar Shaddaa, Grakkus the Hutt ran arena fighting at his palace that, sometime after the Battle of Yavin, featured Kongo the Disembowler, who was advertised as the last of his kind.
Crokind Shand of Kanjiklub used a with a reinforced-galven circuit barrel and a roggwart bone rifle butt.
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