Sacred Forest of Naboo

During the skirmish around planet Naboo, the Central Control Computer of the Trade Federation had been destroyed, and all the B1-Series battle droids standing on the Great Grass Plains laid inanimate.

However, through unknown technological means, a few droids were still activated, and they started destroying the sacred forests by taking down the trees. In order to halt this ecological and cultural threat, Grand Master Yoda decided to sent a promising recruit on the spot.


During the skirmish around planet Naboo, the Central Control Computer of the Trade Federation had been destroyed, and all the B1-Series battle droids standing on the Great Grass Plains laid inanimate.

However, through unknown technological means, a few droids were still activated, and they started destroying the sacred forests by taking down the trees. In order to halt this ecological and cultural threat, Grand Master Yoda decided to sent a promising recruit on the spot.



