Unidentified young new recruit

Around the time of 32 BBY, subsequent to the Battle of Naboo, a fresh, youthful addition was welcomed into the Jedi Temple located on the planet of Coruscant, and placed under the guidance of Jedi Master Yoda. The seasoned Jedi assigned several duties to the young initiate, with the aim of assisting Naboo in its return to tranquility following the Trade Federation's intrusion, as well as ensuring the satisfaction of Anakin Skywalker, a rising figure within the Jedi Order, in his new position as a Jedi Padawan.

Despite the child's youth and lack of formal training, the recruit demonstrated remarkable ingenuity in executing complex assignments. These included eliminating remaining battle droids hidden within the Sacred Forest of Naboo, locating ancient statues situated in the Gungan Caves, and repairing the personal computer belonging to Queen Amidala, the ruler of Naboo. Under the direct supervision of Yoda, the young recruit also compiled a collection of songs for Skywalker and programmed narratives into the memory core of C-3PO, Skywalker's self-made protocol droid.


Early life

Yoda waiting for his new recruit in the High Council Chamber

In the era of 32 BBY, the Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi enlisted a young individual with Force-sensitive abilities on behalf of the Jedi Order, dispatching the recruit to undergo training on Coruscant, the galactic capital planet. The child embarked on a Consular-class space cruiser headed towards the Jedi Temple, and upon their arrival, they were directed to Yoda, the Grand Master of the Order. Yoda had only recently returned from Naboo following the funeral of Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, who was Kenobi's Master. The recent Naboo crisis, where the Trade Federation invaded Naboo using a army comprised of battle droids, had left deep scars.

Despite the victory over the Trade Federation's troops and the potential discovery of the Chosen One – a figure prophesied to restore equilibrium to the Force – in Anakin Skywalker, much work remained. Thus, Yoda entrusted the child with six missions directly related to the recent crisis. It was quite unusual for a mere Jedi Initiate to be permitted to travel off-world, but the Grand Master placed exceptional faith in the recruit, bestowing his blessing for them to depart the Temple.

Restoring peace on Naboo

A droid about to fall into a trap

Yoda's initial task for the young Jedi recruit involved providing assistance at the Victory Races of Naboo. These races were organized to celebrate the friendly relations between the two groups inhabiting the planet: the Naboo and the Gungans. Queen Padmé Amidala of the Naboo and Bombad General Jar Jar Binks of the Gungan Grand Army, both pivotal figures in the recent reconciliation between the two societies, were scheduled to participate in the races, each riding a different species of mount. Binks would ride a kaadu, while Amidala would ride a tusk cat. Yoda assigned the young Jedi recruit the role of advising them on selecting the most suitable paths through the terrains covered by the race circuit, as each steed had a preference for different types of terrain. The youngling favored one of the competitors.

Although the Federation's sole Droid Control Ship had been destroyed, which deactivated the majority of the B1-Series battle droids and droidekas stationed on Naboo, active battle droids were found looting the Sacred Forest of Naboo. The Jedi recruit aided Binks in activating droid traps concealed throughout the woods, which were triggered by a drum-like mechanism. These traps included hidden pits and booma-launching devices. To ensure their proper function, the recruit needed to replicate a specific beat.

The doors leading to the golden statues

Due to an error made by Binks, Queen Amidala's personal computer on her royal starship malfunctioned, resulting in the loss of crucial files. After solving tangram puzzles, the recruit repaired the computer and recovered valuable images related to the conflict on Naboo, gaining knowledge about the recent invasion in the process. The files included data and images of the Seraph-class urban landspeeder and the podracer that Anakin Skywalker had used to win the Boonta Eve Classic podrace.

At the request of the Gungans, the young recruit embarked on a quest to locate four sacred statues within the ancient Gungan Caves. Each relic was concealed behind a sealed door, and the youngling needed to find ten jewels per door that would serve as keys to unlock the stone slab. The recruit explored a labyrinth of tunnels adorned with doors featuring red spiders, colorful lizards, and mysterious carvings. The youth successfully discovered the jewels hidden within the cave system, utilizing visual cues such as plants and rocks. Once the doors were opened, they revealed their hidden treasures.

Missions on Tatooine

The Bith band and Tili Tili

Yoda assigned the Jedi recruit a mission to the desert planet Tatooine, where C-3PO, the protocol droid, had been left incomplete by his creator, Anakin Skywalker. Yoda instructed the young recruit to program stories into the droid's memory, and the young Jedi input tales and anecdotes about Skywalker, Amidala, and the Jedi into C-3PO. These stories notably included a conversation between Skywalker and Amidala in which the boy confessed he missed his mother. Despite the new programming, the droid later claimed that he was never good at storytelling.

Skywalker had been compelled to leave Tatooine and his mother to join the Jedi Order, and Yoda suggested to the recruit that they assist in creating a songbook to remind Skywalker of his home planet. The new recruit ventured to Akim's Munch, a street cafe located in Mos Espa. There, the youngling collaborated with a Bith band, the Jawa singer Tili Tili, and a Tiperoo to record thirty-one songs on a musical keyboard. These songs were Skywalker's favorites, and most of them directly referenced events from his life or from the Battle of Naboo. The musical pieces included "Growing up on Tatooine," "Ja Ja Jabba," "I Want to Go to Naboo," "Everybody's Got Something to Sell," and "Watto Steals You Blind."

Personality and traits

While Jedi Initiates were typically assigned to a clan under the tutelage of an instructor and rarely left the Jedi Temple, Grand Master Yoda demonstrated trust in the youngling by entrusting the new recruit with missions that required travel off-world from Coruscant to remote planets like Naboo and Tatooine. The young recruit displayed bravery in navigating the underground passages on Naboo and exhibited an aptitude for music, problem-solving, programming, and tangram puzzles. Yoda held the young recruit's courage and logical thinking in high regard, taking a personal interest in monitoring the completion of the child's tasks.

Behind the scenes

In the year 1998, Lucas Learning launched the educational video game Star Wars: Yoda's Challenge Activity Center, where players assume the role of a promising Jedi recruit. The game refrains from specifying the recruit's name, species, or sex, instead describing the character as a "young new recruit" and allowing players to assign their chosen name. Targeted towards children aged six to eight, the game features six distinct puzzles that can be played in any order. This article presents them in the order they appear on the in-game menu.

